Setting Your Podcast Mindset Goals In Motion for 2021 with Money Mindset Coach Karmen Reed

monetize a podcast personal development podcast episodes podcast interviews productivity Jan 05, 2021
Setting Your Podcast Mindset Goals In Motion for 2021 with Money Mindset Coach Karmen Reed


"What is your money truth?" This is a quote from today's podcast guest and Money Mindset coach, Karmen Reed. 

Now that we are inside of 2021, I feel it's important that we dive a little deeper into where you would like to see your podcast going for the next 6 to 12 months.  Having the right mindset is all about growing personally, professionally and financially. 

In my conversation today with Karmen, we explore these key points when it comes to shifting your mindset for your podcast as it relates to taking it to the next level:

  • How clear you are with your podcast's vision.
  • What is the money story that was taught to you and how can you reframe what you think about money?
  • How to identify boundaries that will help shift you and your podcast into a better place.
  • The POWER of consistency and how it affects aspects of your podcast and how you can see that income with your podcast. 
  • Why investing in events like networking or conferences can help lift up your podcast.
  • How much attention should you be giving to your money situation.
  • The power of gratitude.

Download Karmen's Clarity Playbook to change the outlook of your year with podcasting here: