Should You Start A Podcast In A Crowded Market?

podcast development podcast marketing Feb 14, 2019

Should you put your podcast in a crowded (saturated) market that's filled with similar podcasts?

I think it's important I answer this question because there's a lot of self-doubt podcasters have about putting a similiar-style podcast into the marketplace.

Overcoming Your Self-Doubt

First, let's start from the very beginning when you've decided what you want to podcast about. We come up with that particular topic and we say, "Okay, but can I make an impact inside of that particular market?"

When I'm talking about a "market" I'm talking about a category that you see on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, etc.

One thing podcasters have a problem with is the fear that the market is just way too saturated. Then they have another fear being less authoritative, less of an expert or less funny than a top podcast.

I'm here to tell you to not worry about that at all because everyone has to start from ground zero.

As an established radio personality, I didn't have a massive audience when I started. In fact, no one knew who I was. I started at ground zero. But in my 19 years of radio, I've been able to grow bit by bit.

I've managed to build an audience of individuals who know, like, and trust me. In order for your listeners to get to that point, it's going to take time for them to become acquainted with you.

Let's reiterate the question again: should you make a podcast and put it into a crowded or saturated market?

My answer: ABSOLUTELY.

As an example, radio is already a crowded market with multiple radio stations positioning for the top spot. There are many other personalities that can entertain and educate listeners out into the city. But one thing most people don't understand is that our presentation styles are different.

In radio you may be attracted to listening to a female voice. Or maybe you're more attracted to a male voice and his style. Maybe you are tuned in because you enjoy the music. Or you might tune in because the content is talk-format and educational.

So, it's all going to depend on a person's particular tastes.

The College Instructor Quandary - Which Should I Pick?

Let's now make a comparison of why you should go ahead and put your podcasts into the market.

When I was going to college at Arizona State University, I remember taking course on Religions of the World. When that course was offered, there were about four or five instructors that were all teaching that exact course. Talk about a saturated market!  

Before enrolling, all I was concerned about was getting an instructor that was good. I didn't want to get someone who was bland, so I tried researching which instructor was the best. Before too long, the good instructors had full sections and I was stuck with the one instructor that was boring.

The first time I took Religions of the World, I had an outstanding instructor--I regret not putting more effort into the lectures and studying because the instructor was phenomenal. As a result I failed.

So by the time I enrolled in the second course with the boring instructor, I regretted not appreciating the style of the first instructor.

You see, the first instructor taught the course where I understood the most based on her style of teaching. When I took it the second time, I had to really struggle and push through boring lectures and impossible exams. Plus, the second instructor focused specifically on Judaism whereas my first instructor taught it as a generalized course.

Two different instructors, two different styles of instruction on religion.

This how I want you to think about you and your podcast.

There may be a multitude of podcasts that are in the nutrition and fitness industry.

There may be a multitude of podcasts that are in the comic book or music industry.

There may be a multitude of podcasts in the business and networking industry.

There are always podcasts that are going to be similar to yours. The only difference is that your personality is going to be separate from the rest. Your style and format is going to be different from the podcasts that are already out there.

The one factor that is going to make your podcast better than the others is the mere fact that you are just as determined to maintain a regular podcast release schedule each week. This is the best way to build trust with your listener.

Get your listeners to know like and trust you. Create your own style. Share your own solutions in your own manner.

Acquire listeners that will gravitate toward you and your style.

If your listeners aren't gravitating towards your style, you might need to adjust how you deliver your content. For the most part, your style is going to work with them.

Remember, you are the expert in your field!  You're the comedian, you're the entertainer, you're the teacher, you're the professional, etc. If your listeners buy into your style--as long as you are consistent with delivering it every single week--it should work.

So tell me, do you feel as though you are entering into a crowded market and what are you afraid of? How are you willing to get beyond that fear? I would love for you to comment down below and let me know what your fears are.